September 2, 2008

I Really Don't Want to be an Architect

I saw this classic draftsman stool over at BLTD. a week or so ago and have been stewing over it ever since. From the time that I first started erecting towers out of wooden blocks, I had wanted to be an architect. When I hit high school I started plotting my attack on the world of architecture, taking summer courses, taking classes in school, essentially focusing my entire life on architecture. It was that intense focus on becoming an architect that ultimately convinced me that it wasn't for me. I've since plotted my life towards a proffession more befitting the things that I truly enjoy doing. However, it's things like this stool and the MoMA sponsored annual Young Architects Program that make me seriously question my judgement. Fortunately, I have a friend who consistently supports my decisions and provides evidence to the fact that I really don't want to be an architect.

p.s. If you happen to be in New York City sometime between now and October 20 - and don't mind shuffling through hundreds of people in a peculiarly laid out museum - visit the MoMA and check out their Home Delivery exhibit - a survey of the past, present, and future of prefabricated homes. Or better yet, save yourself the headache and visit the online exhibit here.


Brooke Williams said...

what a blog this will be. this post totally resonated with me because i grew up with the same desire to be an architect. only to give it up when i enrolled in a drafting class full of guys and a teacher who made me feel like an idiot when i asked questions! it never leaves you though, huh? anyhow, i'm interested to see the moma exhibit on prefab. looks amazing.

Anonymous said...

I know who that friend is {winkity wink}
Oh, and remember that one time when we went to that exhibit and I had a complete nervous breakdown. Yeah, I remember that time.